I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel...I just have to walk a little further through one more semester to get there. In just 6 more months, I'll watch my son (Nathan) walk across the stage to earn his college degree. I'm very proud of him and all he has accomplished. He has pushed through adversity and testing and trials, TWO torn ACL surgeries and countless hours of physical therapy, roommate changes, challenges that come with being an RA - to name a few. He has made the Dean's List multiple times, competed at the college level in Track & Field for a National Championship Team, planned and prepared for ministry, written papers, participated in scheduled debates, worked a part-time job, and learned how to build healthy relationships. And now, the real work begins. All of these experiences have helped mold and shape this man into who God wants him to be - so that God can use him to do that work in others.

Now that he is getting closer to this monumental moment, he is starting to look for employment in his field - Ministry. This means he has been contacting some churches about open positions, all while seeking The Lord for His will. In doing so, he is already doing better than me. When I was a 21-year old whipper-snapper (like him), I wasn't even thinking about what God wanted for me. I wish I had, because then it maybe wouldn't have taken me as long to find out what that was. As he reaches out to churches, he has also been reaching out to God to ask for His Will...and that's how it should be done!
Today, I was reading in 2 Samuel 2 - where David "inquired of The Lord." If ever there was someone who didn't need to do that, you could make a case for David. Towards the end of 1 Samuel and into the beginning of 2 Samuel, we learn that Saul (who was King) was dead, and God has already made it clear that David will take over. If you know anything about being a King, it means that nobody else can tell you what to do...unless you are a King who is bent on following God's plan. That is the kind of King David was, and here is just one example of him demonstrating that:
"In the course of time, David inquired of The Lord. 'Shall I go up to one of the towns of Judah?' he asked. The Lord said, 'Go up.' David asked, 'Where shall I go?' 'To Hebron,' The Lord answered. So David went up there with his two wives, Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail, the widow of Nabal of Carmel. David also took the men who were with him, each with his family, and they settled in Hebron and its towns. Then the men of Judah came to Hebron and there they anointed David king over the house of Judah." (2 Samuel 2:1)
When you first read that verse, it's easy to overlook what has just happened. David was about to be anointed King, but before he is ever crowned and ascended to the throne he made a crucial decision about how to lead these people of God. His first action as King will be to make sure he did everything according to God's plan; we would do well to follow his lead. I'm sure that he could've gathered his military advisors and other powerful people around him to determine what their next move should be. Instead, he inquired of The Lord! What would change in our lives if we stopped to do the same thing?!?
David asked two important questions that we need to remember to ask God before we do something: Should I move? And, where should I go?
My son is asking those questions as well, and by waiting for an answer, he is learning these powerful principles about what it means to want God's will. I hope this is a lesson that he always commits to following. If he will learn to move when God says to move (and not move until God says to move), this will help him stay in the center of God's will. He will be where he is supposed to be (and not where he is not supposed to be). And as he commits to knowing and doing that Will, it will protect him, his family, and the people who follow him as a leader.
It's refreshing to learn of those who want to be like David in this example. I often meet people who are considering a move - to a new job, to a new area, or even to a new church. Most of them have good reasons for making the move, but I recommend to each of them to make one more move before they move. I recommend they inquire of the Lord, like David did. And if The Lord says to move, then move. But if He tells you to stay, don't you dare move - it will only lead to disaster.
I don't know what move(s) you are considering making in your life right now. But I do encourage (urge) you to stop and consider if it's a move God wants you to make. If it is, be expecting some blessing for responding in obedience. But if it's not, stay...because moving is the worst move you could make. My prayer for you is that you'll do what David did, that you will pray about it. And when you do, don't just tell God what you want to do and ask Him to bless your plans. Instead, get before Him and really ask what He wants for you; He may just have a different move for you to make. And when you pray for your own move, be praying for my son as he seeks God's will for his own life!
Lifting him to the Lord. We never stop surrendering our children to the Lord no matter their age. I have surrendered my will in taking these next steps(at my age) in applying and walking through this open door though it makes me tremble and yet be in awe of what God is asking of me.
I love reading these notes. God does wonderful things and already has a place prepared for your son. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!!